Popular MLM plans : Multilevel marketing is a network marketing pillar that leverages the company in every way possible. Companies are following the latest trend, MLM, because of its lucrative nature. Popular MLM plans software will grow in the coming years, according to a recent study conducted for the global MLM software market. It also asserted a slew of advantages of purchasing MLM software for multilevel marketing business that cast a positive light on the company.
Many certified companies offer a variety of popular MLM plans to both established businesses and start-ups. You can select the compensation plans that are most appropriate for your company. It will assist you in developing business strategies for the future. These plan providers can also provide you with free samples and demos of custom popular MLM plans to help you configure your needs and demands for MLM software.

What Are The Popular MLM Plans Used in India?
Let’s take a look at 15 of the best and popular MLM plans that can help you grow your business significantly:
1. Binary MLM compensation plans
Industry-wide, the binary MLM software plans is the most popular and widely accepted plan. Individuals and network marketers will benefit from it. It uses a two-leg system, with one side referred to as the left side or left leg and the other as the right side or right leg. A person who joins the network will adapt to either the left or right leg.
A tree structure is formed by this evenly distributed and oriented network. There are two legs to this tree structure: the power leg and the profit leg. The plan in which an enrolled member recruits another member in the networking chain at a leaf position is referred to as a power leg in the tree layout. This procedure is still in progress. Profit leg, on the other hand, is the process of joining a network marketing company for the purpose of making money. With the addition of more members, it advances and maximises profit.
2. Matrix MLM compensation plans
This compensation plan from popular MLM plans is also known as a ladder plan or a forced matrix mlm software plan. The downline is arranged with a fixed width and depth matrix. For this process, only a small number of people are selected. Only three new members will be eligible for width front, and they will be able to earn benefits up to five levels. Because the width is limited, the upline must rely on the downline to generate more sales. It enables you to set the bonus level in accordance with popular MLM plans in order to entice more customers to buy and diversify the network chain for increased profitability.
3. Uni-level MLM compensation plans
It is the most fundamental MLM strategy. It allows you to affiliate new candidates directly into the first line, giving you direct control over distributors. It allows you to add an unlimited number of people to the front row and lengthen the width.
Multi-level marketing companies add intrigue to this plan by including rewards, incentives, or bonuses for reaching a certain level of frontline depth. These popular MLM plans can produce impressive results for distributors. The distributor can earn impressive returns and profits by recruiting a large number of downline members.
4. Straight-line MLM compensation plans
It’s also known as a monoline or linear compensation plan, and it works on the same principle. As new candidates join the chain, the structure of the plan becomes a downward string of users, one beneath the other. These plans enable the current user to profit from the addition of new users.
The time stamp or first-come, first-served basis determines the downline structure. It denotes that the member who joins the hierarchy first will benefit the most. Overrides based on rank are also possible, as well as a global and matching bonus pool distribution system for popular MLM plans.
5. Board MLM compensation plans
The board plan is also referred to as a Revolving Matrix Plan by the companies. In this popular MLM plans, the board is made up of a group of affiliates who work together as a team. This board is made up of as many members as the company’s regulatory protocols allow. When the board is full, it splits into two, with the excess members forming a new board.
Board MLM software Plan among all popular MLM plans from best companies set the bar on the board, and all members contain referrals.
The member who chooses the popular MLM plans determines how many members can be recruited for the board and how many members can be promoted to the next board. Based on the income plan arrangement, every board can earn bonuses and gain returns.
6. Generation MLM compensation plans

The Generation plan is also known as a Repurchase MLM software plan or a Gap Commission Plan. This technique’s policy of action is determined by product sales. The affiliate must sell the products in order to earn bonuses and incentives for meeting the target.
When compared to other modern marketing strategies, this plan is unique and effective.
Media marketing is important to companies that make consumable products. This plan, on the other hand, is based on word-of-mouth or person-to-person marketing, which gives the process a personal touch. This plan is also seen as a motivational product selling MLM by the user.
7. Party MLM compensation plan
In a party compensation plan, product endorsement and sales are done at social events. It’s a type of direct selling where the marketing is done in a “business at the party” style. This plan can be classified as both multi-level marketing and single-leg MLM software plan marketing.
Among all the other methods, this plan’s implementation is the simplest. The host throws a party to which all of his family, relatives, and friends are invited. Then he shows the guests the desired products, promotes them, and sells them.
8. Gift MLM compensation plan

This strategy is well-known as a networking strategy because it helps with crowd-funding and donation campaigns. It benefits everyone involved in the process because it is explicitly based on a “give and take” policy. In this case, one networker assists another network affiliate. In exchange, the other networkers assist the first networker in achieving his goal using helping gift MLM software plan.
Accepting and donating are both subject to strict guidelines. These standards differ from one company to the next. The amount that can be granted is set by these organisations. These restrictions can be lifted by upgrading to a premium membership or rising through the ranks.
9. Stair-step MLM compensation plan
This plan’s design is based on the sales volume factor. Individual and group sales volumes have an impact on the entire supply chain. The affiliates and downline members are given a goal to meet. The achievement of a goal will provide incentives and bonuses to members and affiliates, allowing them to advance to a higher position. It provides an unlimited frontline, and if the target is met, the player will advance to a certain level, allowing them to break away.
10. Spillover Binary MLM compensation plan
This plan’s design is based on the sales volume factor. Individual and group sales volumes have an impact on the entire supply chain. The affiliates and downline members are given a goal to meet. The achievement of a goal will provide incentives and bonuses to members and affiliates, allowing them to advance to a higher position. It provides an unlimited frontline, and if the target is met, the player will advance to a certain level, allowing them to break away.
11. Australian X up MLM compensation plan
This compensation plan allows members to earn a lot of money. Downline candidates can assist upper-level members in obtaining enticing benefits. If the downlines can generate the most sales, the sponsors will receive special incentives and bonuses.
Here is how this plan works
- The sponsor receives the bonus if any member X achieves the goal.
- At least four members should be under the rank of this member X.
- The profits generated by the two active members will go to the sponsor, while the bonuses generated by the other two will go to their upline member X.
- All active members in the MLM chain will receive a fast bonus, rank upgradation bonus, and commission.
12. EmGoldex MLM plan
This plan was created to meet the needs of the advertising industry. It is simple to increase sales volume with this method. The profit margin is entirely dependent on whether or not your downline is active. You will not receive a large bonus or incentives if one of the legs is inactive.
As a result, the plan keeps members engaged and active, and proper guidance is required to keep the marketing model flowing.
13. Australian binary MLM compensation plan
This plan is a simplified version of a Binary compensation scheme. The Australian programme added a third leg to binary’s two legs to improve the compensation structure. This extra leg allows for a higher output potential. This plan is independent of membership level, so you can get the most out of it.
The network circle, secure multi level marketing software, support & services, and popular MLM plans proficiency are all critical to the plan’s success.
14. Hybrid MLM compensation plan

This plan combines the features of a binary compensation plan with those of a uni-level compensation plan for popular MLM plans. This plan’s structural alignment involves the entire team as a single unit. There is no supervisor in this plan to keep track of the entire chain. To increase revenue generation, everyone works together as a team. It contributes to the plan’s depth, and the incentives and bonuses are distributed across the entire network.
15. MMM global MLM plan
Among all popular MLM plans this plan can be thought of as a more comprehensive version of the Gift and Donation plan. It consists of two steps: ‘provide assistance’ and ‘receive assistance.’
The popular MLM plans asks the system to transfer funds in the ‘provide help’ section. The amount of the transfer must be determined by the user. A push notification is available to assist the user in filling out the information and completing the transaction.
The funds are received from the fund providers on the ‘Get help’ side. Only those who have helped others can request to “get help,” and no one else can use this feature. The help seeker must update the details of the help providers so that if the provider requires assistance in the future, he can use the ‘Get help’ option to find popular mlm plans.
DNG App Developer, the reputed app development agency, offers cutting-edge and well-designed network marketing apps for android. We can deliver network marketing app for all MLM plans.