Are you looking for a guidance or tips for website security? It is generally believed that due to spreading knowledge of cyber security people are taking benefits for doing unethical activities. They steal website data, passwords, and even change payment gateway. Therefore, it is very essential for us to provide web security. In this article, we provide top 13 amazing tips for website security. Which are beneficial for you to secure your website from hackers.
Before moving to tips for website security, we also consider that making a website in a strong and secure language is very important. Some new programming languages are easy to crack for hackers, they can easily find bugs in newly developed languages. Eventually, hackers can easily find bugs, therefore, already stable language Is implemented in your tips for website security. Making projects in a stable language is not only helpful to secure your website but also provide numerous support from a large community if something happens with the security of the website. Consequently, choosing the right programming language plays an indispensable role in website security.

13 Simple ways to improve your tips for website Security
Avoid phishing emails and SMS

It is evidently proved that the majority of websites on the internet hack owing to phishing attract by email and SMS. Phishing attracts hackers to send mail to victims about changing server password, or something wrong with tips for website security, or numerous different mail which insists website owners to login their website through link of hacker send. Eventually, smart people get passwords and user information from the database.
However, website owners do not know about the similar types of designing pages which are made by hackers. After trying two to three times, users get ideas about fake links, but hackers get passwords. Therefore, website development can easily open without struggling with anything. It is the most popular and widely used method on the internet.
Make a strong password

Usually, people are always frustrated whenever they select a password. They always keep passwords which are common and easy to remember. Some common password use like name@123, password, country name, birthdate, parents name, 00000000, and keyboard whole line. Which is too dangerous tips for website security. This is because hackers know everything, the first and foremost method of hackers is that try a common list of passwords. They easily applied a common list password directory which is easily available on the internet. Therefore, it is very crucial for you to make a strong password. Use uppercase, lowercase, numbers, characters, and operators, which are easily remembered.
Check before anything install
Nowadays, people love to add multiple functionality to their website. Therefore, they avoid making functions. They easily search on the internet and find the best plugins. Which is easily implemented and gets appropriate functionality to users. But the fact is that on the internet numerous plugins, especially nulled plugins, are unsecure. In this plugin, developers add suspicious code, which is the entrance of hackers. After downloading a plugin or anything, hackers easily activate the code which is implemented on the website. Eventually, it may happen to access all serious information which is sensitive. Hence, before downloading the plugin, check review, price, developer’s intention, and other plethora of things which gives a feeling of security.
Up to date language version
Whenever any programming language developer finds a bug or weak point in a website, after that they will provide valid security and correct the mistake. Therefore, updating a programming language version or software update is an appropriate way to provide to tips for website security. For example, the majority of websites are made on the WordPress platform. WordPress always provides updated information to their users which fulfill the requirement tips for website security.
Web firewall
This is another most secure way to provide authenticated security to the website. Generally, those websites are big, and hackers always try to find bugs. On that website, the web firewall is playing an indispensable role for providing tips for website security. If a hacker sends any suspicious file, the firewall scans malware before uploading it to the website. Therefore, a firewall is the best way to solve problems on big websites. Generally, small website owners avoid buying firewalls because it is very expensive.
Make sure keep daily backup
This is the most prominent way to secure your website. Sometimes, a website server, and eventually, all website data is loose. Therefore, having a perfect website with one single copy is very crucial. It is also considered plan B. If something happens with the website, it will help to upload data once again and provide to tips for website security.
Server or hosting buy from authenticate source
When you are purchasing hosting or domain it is crucial to note that server companies are authenticated. Because there are numerous hosting services, it is a hack. Due to insufficient security and pirate software development. Therefore, make sure to keep in mind, wherever you purchase any hosting or server take from validate and iso certified companies, otherwise, there may be a chance to damage website security.
Buy SSL certificates

SSL certificates are very essential nowadays. Without an ssl certificate google cannot consider the site is secure. Therefore, hackers can easily target your website. Without an SSL certificate for website security, there may be a chance to hack your website quickly. Therefore, having an SSL certificate is useful to provide valid tips for website security.
Provide access to trustable people
It is evidently proved that owing to three or four partner’s website owners can lose access to the website. Therefore, if you are making a website by yourself, then never give admin access to other people. It may be a chance to access admin access, eventually, they remove you. Therefore, providing valid access to your friend is very important tips for website security.
Minimum login attempts
Another interesting small validation is to make your website secure. As a developer, I will say providing minimum login attempts is one way to tips for website secure. It is generally observed that hackers have a long password directory. Whenever they want to hack websites, they make thousands of combinations of character lists. And doing brute force on websites. Directly one by one check all passwords and after millions of attempts find valid password combinations. Thus, it is important to provide limited login attempts.
Changed default database name
There are many website online hacks owing to default password and database name. hackers can easily target the database, because they know the name of the database. They easily obtain authority and access to database details. Therefore, before allocating a database name it is very important to change the default name, if you want to secure your website.
Protect website from cross site scripting
It is an unknowing trick which is used by professional hackers in directing implemented JavaScript on your website comment section. Whenever, this website page opens in another person’s browser, at that time, JavaScript runs and it takes valid user cookies. Therefore, before accessing comments it is also important to approve valid comments. Never provide accessibility to users and add suspicious code. Hence, it is very important to provide limited access to your users.
Give validation fronted and server side
This is a very popular trick which many people know. Some people are doing validation from the front side only, because of a lack of time or knowledge. It is very crucial to allocate both side validation like fronted side, and server side. This is because many people know about inspect elements, where users can easily change frontend side validation. They can easily pass without providing appropriate details. Consequently, it is very crucial to provide both side validation.
To conclude, it can be eventually commented that mentioning 13 Amazing Tips for Website Security is enough to provide security to their website. This is the best way to secure a website. Giving security to their website is very important nowadays. This is because user information is very sensitive. If something happens with users, it creates a burden on website owners. Therefore, collecting enough knowledge about website security is helpful for growing an online business.